What people have said about Libby and her work

“I have worked with Libby Koponen on multiple writing projects, the first being her own novel based on her childhood, BLOW OUT THE MOON, which I edited. I have also worked with her on several ghostwriting projects in which she was required to write in the voice of another author, and in all cases she's been a joy to work with. She is professional, fast, open to feedback, a great reviser, versatile, and best of all, an overall excellent and talented writer. I would highly recommend her! And in fact, I have recommended her numerous times and will continue to do so.” 
Alvina Ling, Senior Editor, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

"I have worked with Libby Koponen on several major book projects during the past 13 years and have come to admire her range of talent and her ability to edit and teach clients in a way that brings out the best in them. They would not have gotten their books successfully published without her help. She writes like an angel, edits like a surgeon and teaches with the compassion and discipline of an Annie Sullivan. I highly recommend her as a ghoswriter or developmental editor for any non-fiction book project and as a coach for anyone who wants to sharpen their fiction writing skills." -- Michael Snell, CEO, Michael Snell Literary Agency.

"This superb book [SMART PARENTING: How to Raise Happy, Can-Do Kids, Dr.Brad Smart and Dr. Kate Smart Mursau] gives you the right formula to empower your kids from the start and raise them up to be bright, resourceful, happy adults and truly let them fly."
-- Dr. Steven R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

“We have been fortunate to have worked with Libby Koponen, whose love for the topic of this book translated into a wonderfully human style, for which the reader can be thankful....her warmth and genuineness give life to every page.” Brad and Kate Smart, Smart Parenting: How to Raise Happy, Can-Do Kids.

"I had been struggling to finish my book for six years when I was put in touch with Libby Koponen. I am a television and film designer and it seemed that whenever I had a break and got down to writing, a new show would come up I would once again be consumed. When I started my current show, Castle,  I knew I had to do something differently or I'd never finish the manuscript. Looking forward to ten months of 60+ hour weeks I felt I needed a miracle. That miracle was Libby.

I got more done in nine months with Libby--while costuming a demanding network show--than I had in the six previous years. I not only had a finished manuscript, I had a voice, carefully nurtured and rigorously edited by the Calliope of Connecticut."
Luke Reichle, Costume Designer for CASTLE and author of the ms. Style Secrets of the Red Carpet

“Libby Koponen....without whom this book would not have been possible.... for assisting me by providing clarity, focus, amazing inspiration, insight and guidance throughout the entire writing of this book." Ron Roberts, The Well-Balanced Leader (McGraw-Hill, January 2012)

“Thanks to my muses, Holly Dexler and Libby Koponen, for all the ways they ‘pushed without pushing,’ and help me find my own expressions.” Ginny Whitelaw, Move to Greatness: Focusing the Four Essential Energies of a Whole and Balanced Leader

"I’ve not seen Ed’s tangible devotion as for this book in a very long time. He has nothing but lovely things to say about you and all of the great work you’re doing on this book [The House Baba Built, Little, Brown, fall 2011]. Your contribution to Ed’s work is eloquent, elegant, but never overshadowing. I’m beyond impressed with your work ....” 
Edward Necarsulmer, agent at Mcintosh and Otis

“...Libby Koponen, without whose sage editorial guidance China, Heart and Soul would not have been possible. Libby’s charm and patience, her unflappable optimism, and her light but firm editorial touch all helped me develop my nascent authorial voice.” Steve Koss, China, Heart and Soul: Four Years Living, Learning, and Becoming Half-Chinese in Suzhou, China

“We thank Libby Koponen for her invaluable assistance in the early stages of the project, for her guidance on style, and for her snappy chapter titles as well.” Carl M. and Suzanne L. Cohen, Lab Dynamics: Management Skills for Scientists

“You are phenomenal. I always knew you were a beautiful and gifted writer. But now that I’ve seen your editing, I see that you are supremely talented there as well. And I love the stage directions: don’t forget to close the quote! etc. Caught my eye and made me laugh, all at the same time. Thanks for giving this such a close read. And for noticing all the small things that most non writers never see. And thanks most of all for your enthusiasm. It means so so much. I also have to comment on another talent -- namely how FAST you are.” Gwendolyn M. Parker, scriptwriter for CSI: MIAMI, WITHOUT A TRACE, LAW & ORDER: SVU, others